Rabu, 29 Januari 2014

PDF⋙ Secular Spirituality: Reincarnation and Spiritism in Nineteenth-Century France by Lynn L. Sharp

Secular Spirituality: Reincarnation and Spiritism in Nineteenth-Century France by Lynn L. Sharp

Secular Spirituality: Reincarnation and Spiritism in Nineteenth-Century France

Secular Spirituality: Reincarnation and Spiritism in Nineteenth-Century France by Lynn L. Sharp PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Secular Spirituality challenges the traditional dichotomy between Enlightenment reason and religion. It follows French romantic socialists' and spiritists' search for a new spirituality based on reincarnation as a path to progress for individuals and society. Leaders like Allan Kardec argued for social reform; spiritist groups strove for equality; and women mediums challenged gender roles. Lynn L. Sharp looks closely at what it meant to practice spiritism, analyszing the movement's social and political critique and explaining the popularity of the new belief. She explores points of convergence and conflict in the interplay between spiritism and science, spiritism and psychology, and spiritism and the Catholic church to argue that the nineteenth century was not as 'disenchanted' as has been thought. Secular Spirituality successfully places spiritism within a larger cultural conversation, going beyond the leaders of the movement to look at the way spiritism functioned for its followers.

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