Jumat, 20 Juni 2014

PDF⋙ The Finley Human Experience (Sappho's Corner Solo Poets) (Volume 3) by Monique Finley

The Finley Human Experience (Sappho's Corner Solo Poets) (Volume 3) by Monique Finley

The Finley Human Experience (Sappho's Corner Solo Poets) (Volume 3)

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Oscillate through The Finley Human Experience and explore the contours of lesbian love, feminist politics, and American dreams. Curl up with a romantic remarking on the wonders of her lover’s scent. Discover an angry activist raging at the state of a nation on the brink of complete destitution. Cheer on the dragon as an ironic bard pits corporate cronyism versus knightly virtue. Bow your head and weep for lost loved ones as a melancholy dramatist contemplates mortality. Raise your voice with Finley as she protests conformity. And wonder if, perhaps, this poet isn’t bipolar when she threatens you with a wooden spoon.

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