The Mean Mom's Guide to Raising Great Kids by Joanne Kraft
The Mean Mom's Guide to Raising Great Kids by Joanne Kraft PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
''Mom, you re so mean!'' Do you struggle to instill loving boundaries and become discouraged when your child doesn't like you for them? Let The Mean Mom's Guide inspire you to dig in and stand your ground when parenting gets tough--because a mean mom isn't always the mean you think it means.The Mean Mom's Guide to Raising Great Kids encourages overly nice ''marshmallow'' moms to instill a few much-needed boundaries. It motivates parents to stand their ground when childrearing is tough, most especially when a child doesn't like them for it.
Covering parenting from preschool to high school, each of the four sections highlights topics specific to each age. Scripture is weaved throughout as a continual reminder of God's truth, and ''Mom 2 Mom'' quotes at the end of each chapter are filled with heartfelt transparency from dozens of moms who lent their own experiences to encourage the reader. Mean moms encourage openly, love passionately, and know full well being called mean by her child is oftentimes a compliment.
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