Minggu, 01 Februari 2015

PDF⋙ Glamorous Illusions (Library Edition): A Novel (Grand Tour Series) by Lisa T Bergren

Glamorous Illusions (Library Edition): A Novel (Grand Tour Series) by Lisa T Bergren

Glamorous Illusions (Library Edition): A Novel (Grand Tour Series)

Glamorous Illusions (Library Edition): A Novel (Grand Tour Series) by Lisa T Bergren PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Cora is about to discover who she truly is. It’s the summer of 1913, and Cora Kensington’s life on the family farm has taken a dark turn. Not only are the crops failing, but someone dear to Cora is failing as well. One fateful afternoon, a stranger comes to call, and Cora discovers a terrible secret about her past… a secret that will radically change her future. Cora is invited to take the “Grand Tour” of Europe, a trip intended to finish a person’s education and solidify an understanding of refinement and ancient culture. As she travels from England to France with kin she’s never known, Cora encounters the blessings of a family name, as well as the curses. But when an unbidden love begins to form, she realizes there are far greater challenges ahead…. The first audio book in the Grand Tour series will take you on a journey of cultural refinement—but, moreover, on an inner journey of self-discovery.

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