Adult Echo by Barton A. Bean, Kathleen A. Oss
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An indispensable resource for RDCS candidates, Echocardiography Review contains nearly 700 questions and answers with brief explanations and key references for further study. This self-assessment study manual provides a rational, organized approach to the problems of keeping current and preparing for the registry examination. It tells you how to take a multiple-choice examination. It simulates the examination experience so that you are comfortable and confident with the format. It lets you assess your knowledge before you begin to study so that you can identify areas of strength and weakness. It answers each question with a brief explanation and with a specific reference to the best source for further study, saving you hours of unproductive searching and studying. Coverage of this highly technical and ever-evolving field includes anatomy , physiology, clinical indications, physical principles, instrumentation, technical performance, specific diseases and disorders, interpretation, safety, and quality assurance.From reader reviews:
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