James Wong's Homegrown Revolution by James Wong
James Wong's Homegrown Revolution by James Wong PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
A revolution in the garden - a completely new range of fruit and vegetables to grow and eat.Whether it's a window box of homegrown saffron, your very own kiwi vine or a mini green tea plantation on your patio, TV botanist and best-selling author James Wong proves that 'growing your own' can be so much more exciting than spuds, sprouts and swede.
Breaking free from the 'dig for victory' time warp of allotment staples, James reveals the vast array of 21st century crops that will flourish outdoors, even in our blustery North Atlantic climate - no greenhouse necessary. From goji berries to food-mile free sweet potatoes, James' revolutionary approach to edible gardening will show you how to grow, cook and eat all manner of superfood crops that are just as easy (if not easier) and far more exciting to grow than the 'ration book' favourites.
Inspiring, fun and full of plant know-how, this book is set to revolutionise the whole concept of 'growing your own' for newbie growers to seasoned allotment veterans alike. You'll never look at your garden the same way again!
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