Modern Jazz Drumming: Deluxe 2-CD Set (Music Minus One Drums) by Jim Chapin
Modern Jazz Drumming: Deluxe 2-CD Set (Music Minus One Drums) by Jim Chapin PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
(Music Minus One). This two-CD set will give you the groundwork for great jazz drumming. Lessons and exercises are specially designed to improve your independent, improvisational coordination; both theory and practice are fully explored. This publication, in its 58th printing, is considered the foremost text on modern drumming! Includes a high-quality printed music book with drum charts and progressive exercises and two compact discs: a complete performance with soloist and a second version with the accompaniment, minus you, the soloist. Performed by Jim Chapin, drums Accompaniment: Wilber Ware, bassFrom reader reviews:
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