Kamis, 09 Juli 2015

PDF⋙ Celtic Blessings 2014 Wall Calendar by Michael J. Green

Celtic Blessings 2014 Wall Calendar by Michael J. Green

Celtic Blessings 2014 Wall Calendar

Celtic Blessings 2014 Wall Calendar by Michael J. Green PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

It is an often overlooked fact that Celtic art is iconic for two very different worldviews: primeval Christianity and Paganism/New Age. Celtic art and spirituality stand on an overlap between these two cultures and act as connecting links between them. Both cultures can learn from their differences, ultimately supporting and nourishing the spiritual aspirations of each. Michael Greens Celtic Blessings wall calendar is a masterful marriage of these two worlds. Based on Celtic themes and early Irish Christian illuminated manuscripts, Green's art reenvisions these genres into a stunning modern look that is firmly rooted in the past.

At various times in his life, Green has been a wandering monk, artist and craftsman, television art director, architect, illustrator and author. His books include The I Ching Journals, The Illuminated Rumi, The Illuminated Prayer and The Unicornis Manuscripts (Amber Lotus, 2008).

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