Berlin Game (Panther Books) by Len Deighton
Berlin Game (Panther Books) by Len Deighton PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Long-awaited reissue of the first part of the classic spy trilogy, GAME, SET and MATCH, when the Berlin Wall divided not just a city but a world.
East is East and West is West - and they meet in Berlin…
He was the best source the Department ever had, but now he desperately wanted to come over the Wall. ‘Brahms Four’ was certain a high-ranking mole was set to betray him. There was only one Englishman he trusted any more: someone from the old days.
So they decided to put Bernard Samson back into the field after five sedentary years of flying a desk.
The field is Berlin.
The game is as baffling, treacherous and lethal as ever…
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