Selasa, 22 September 2015

PDF⋙ American Photography 9

American Photography 9

American Photography 9

American Photography 9 PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

American Photography Nine is the latest addition to the award-winning series of American Photography annuals. Within these covers a composite of 1992's most powerful and inspiring photographic work, as expressed by both established and up and coming photographers in the United States and Canada. With the work entered ranging from the finest magazine editorial to unpublished photography, the jury searched through thousands of entries to find this year's outstanding images. Seventy commercial and fine art photographers are celebrated in this beautifully produced volume.

The jury this year was led, as in the past, by Edward Booth-Clibborn, Editor and founder of American Photography, and founding Chairman of both the Design and Art Directors Association of London and the Art Directors Club of Europe.

The members of this year's jury, who are outstanding professionals in their own field, are as follows: Janet Froelich, Art Director of the New York Times magazine; Michael Bierut, Partner of Pentagram Design; Michael Brock, Creative Director of Michael Brock Design; Rhonda Rubinstein, Art Director of Esquire; and Robert Priest, Creative Director of GQ magazine.

More than 140 images by 70 photographers appear in American Photography Nine, including works by Sebastião Salgado, Albert Watson, Mary Ellen Mark, Dan Winters, Hert Ritts and Annie Leibovitz. A comprehensive index lists contributing photographers with addresses as well as art directors, photo editors and others involved in the creation and utilization of these outstanding images.

"Think positive, make negatives."

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