Sabtu, 21 November 2015

PDF⋙ Usborne Christmas Baking for Children (Children's Cooking) by Fiona Patchett

Usborne Christmas Baking for Children (Children's Cooking) by Fiona Patchett

Usborne Christmas Baking for Children (Children's Cooking)

Usborne Christmas Baking for Children (Children's Cooking) by Fiona Patchett PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This is a cookbook packed full of mouth-watering Christmas recipes for cakes, biscuits and treats. Recipes include chocolate orange hearts, mince pies, white chocolate brownies and spiced apple muffins. It is illustrated with step-by-step instructions and spiral-bound so book lies flat when in use. It also includes decorating and wrapping ideas to make delicious treats into wonderful Christmas gifts.

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