Hidden Curriculum, A Project by Annette Krauss by Annette Krauss
Hidden Curriculum, A Project by Annette Krauss by Annette Krauss PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
What really goes on in a high school? This volume documents a project by Dutch artist Annette Krauss designed to look at the unintended and unrecognized forms of knowledge, values and beliefs that are part of the learning processes and daily life within high schools. Krauss asked students aged 15-17 to reflect on their own routines and behaviors and then transfer that knowledge into video, photos or public actions and the results will bring a knowing smile to the face of anyone who has ever lived through adolescence. Whether the students are making a crank call to the principal's office or 're-organizing space' by moving all the school s potted plants, their actions take on creative meaning in the context of this imaginative project.From reader reviews:
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