Selasa, 26 Januari 2016

PDF⋙ 4th & Boston: Heart of the Magic Empire by Douglas Miller, Steve Gerkin

4th & Boston: Heart of the Magic Empire by Douglas Miller, Steve Gerkin

4th & Boston: Heart of the Magic Empire

4th & Boston: Heart of the Magic Empire by Douglas Miller, Steve Gerkin PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This is the remarkable story of how the intersection of 4th & Boston in Tulsa, Oklahoma became the heart of the "Magic Empire," an early euphemism for the Oklahoma oil fields that created fabulous fortunes seemingly overnight in the early 20th Century. Behind the unique collection of buildings that populate its four corners are stories of boom and bust, risk and loss, and courage and love. Like the city that surrounds it, 4th & Boston is a place where golden opportunity led towering egos to build wealth and power on foundations of ingenuity, sacrifice, and faith. This one intersection encapsulates the ongoing drama that always has and always will be embodied in the name "Tulsa."

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