Jumat, 26 September 2014

PDF⋙ Alex and the Lava Pit: The Amazing Adventures of Alex the Crocodile (Volume 1) by Dr. Shreyas Gandhi

Alex and the Lava Pit: The Amazing Adventures of Alex the Crocodile (Volume 1) by Dr. Shreyas Gandhi

Alex and the Lava Pit: The Amazing Adventures of Alex the Crocodile (Volume 1)

Alex and the Lava Pit: The Amazing Adventures of Alex the Crocodile (Volume 1) by Dr. Shreyas Gandhi PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Alex is the main character in the Amazing Adventures of Alex the Crocodile Children's book series. He lives in Crocodile Cove and wears a letter A because his name is Alex. He is very adventurous, and can only do good. He has a love for life, and always seeks out new adventures. Alex also loves to learn new things. He is not afraid of anything. He has a brother named Derek, and many friends that live near him in Crocodile Cove. In this adventure, Alex, Derek, and their friend Peaches go on an adventure to a Lava Pit. This is the first book in the series, with a new book available monthly.

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Alex and the Lava Pit: The Amazing Adventures of Alex the Crocodile (Volume 1) by Dr. Shreyas Gandhi EPub

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