The Manara Erotica Volume 3: Butterscotch and Other Stories by Milo Manara
The Manara Erotica Volume 3: Butterscotch and Other Stories by Milo Manara PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Milo Manara's internationally acclaimed erotic work concludes on a high note, with this deluxe, archival volume featuring one of his best-loved stories, Butterscotch! A physicist discovers a way to become invisible, but a curious ballerina easily tracks him by the smell of butterscotch! This volume also includes Candid Camera, Gulliveriana, Three Girls on the Internet, and more, all newly translated, as well as an essay by comics scholar Ben Saunders of the University of Oregon on the relationship between art and pornography.From reader reviews:
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